Agriturismo Le Vigne di Adamo

Le Vigne di Adamo, un nome che richiama le antiche origini e che nasconde un vero e profondo significato. Il nonno Adamo aveva dato vigore all'azienda agricola cullando pazientemente le sue vigne sin dal loro nascere. L'esperienza tramandata da padre in figlio, ha fatto sorgere in noi, terza generazione, il desiderio di ridare forza all'azienda partendo proprio da quelle vigne, con la ristrutturazione della cantina e del vecchio portico, dando origine all'attività agrituristica con alloggi, per poter tramandare e conservare ciò che il passato ci ha insegnato. L'azienda agricola, situata sulle colline moreniche, nella splendida cornice del Parco del Mincio, è a conduzione familiare ad indirizzo vitivinicolo e cerealicolo con metodi a minor impatto ambientale.

The name “Le Vigne di Adamo” (Adam’s vineyards) reminds of ancient origins and refers to an authentic and deep meaning. Grandfather Adamo gave strength to the farm, taking care of his vines patiently since their birth. The experience handed down from father to son, has raised in us, the third generation, the desire to give new strength to the company starting exactly from those vineyards. So we restructured the winery and the old portico, starting in this way our farm tourism activity enriched with accommodation, in order to pass on and preserve what the past has taught us.

The farm, located on the moraine hills, in the charming setting of the Mincio river Park, is a family wine and cereal business implementing low environmental impact methods.
Marisa and Luigi are the cornerstones of this great family with their five children. The youngest, Laura and Paolo have left their job to take care of their farm, which in the year 2003 has opened the doors to tourism. The other brothers have helped in making this dream come true. The elder sister Milena, educational psychologist, together with the grandkids Arianna and Alessandro represent a good mood booster, Daniele, engineer, developed the business plan and followed the building restructuring. Silvano, winemaker, is also the winery supervisor and helps dad and Paolo in high quality genuine wine production.


Le Vigne di Adamo
Strada Tibassi, 14 - 46040 Volta Mantovana (Mantova) Italy
Tel.+39 0376 83421
Cell. +39 348 2488899
Coordinate GPS N: 45.3291 E: 10.67772